
Monday, 28 January 2013

Grim Dystopia Revisit Part 2

Hey guys, If you've been following my progress I'd like to say thanks! but for all you newcomers here is what I've been working on recently. I've created a scene called Grim Dystopia. Where I set myself a refresher challenge in UDK, to use existing source assets to create a scene out of 100 different objects in 16 hours. I managed to do it with time to spare along with 88 out the 100 different objects in the scene!

So with my previous post I decided to go back to my Refresher UDK scene and tweak some things. I decided that I'd tweak the lighting orientation and make the scene less static. I did that buy adding a more sinking image to the crevasse which blocks the player from entering the mansion. I wanted the player to know that as soon as they see it, its a danger zone and they do not want to go anywhere near it! I think it worked out pretty well without the need to completely overhaul it and add unnecessary hours to a finished product.
I also decided to render the scene in production just to see how long it took, not too long it seemed! but soon as it finished it crashed 0_<! but not to worry, I managed to complete a new render and it came out fine. There is such a huge difference between preview and production.

Here are some screenshots of the final scene!

 Since this project is now finished I'll be starting my new scene soon. If you've been following my progress I've been tempted to create a similar challenge of creating a scene out of existing source assets in the CRYENGINE as well!

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